The Edge: shameful behaviour by Conservative-run Surrey County Council
Waverley Lib Dems call publicly on Surrey to come to the table and work positively and constructively with Waverley to reach an agreement that will get the Edge back open.
We are a passionate local campaigning organisation fighting for fairness across the borough. Our members and councillors represent and stand up for residents, turning our beliefs into meaningful action.
Waverley Lib Dems call publicly on Surrey to come to the table and work positively and constructively with Waverley to reach an agreement that will get the Edge back open.
Leader of the Lib Dems Ed Davey visited the proposed Dunsfold drilling site where he unveiled his new Parliamentary motion to block oil drilling nearby to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).
It was a clean sweep for Liberal Democrats at the May 2023 town & parish council elections, as residents elected every Lib Dem to a total of 24 seats and created a Lib Dem majority on Haslemere Town Council.
Our market system should balance businesses’ needs and the rights and freedoms of workers.
The last ten days have been immensely difficult for our country.
After years of neglect, the top priority of the incoming Labour government should now be to save our health and care services.